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Laura OwO

A member registered Nov 21, 2020

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It worked! Thank you for helping me out! ^v^

(2 edits)

Its my first time writing a comment here and i dont know what to think about it-

Also there will probably be ALOT of spelling mistakes and im sorry-

After falling off the bridge and talking to Past we meet Uma(?) i forgot her name- 

well i chose to make her my party member and after that her sprite isnt there and i have the info that pops up that it wasnt found and to try again and becouse of that i cant go forward and i dont have the heart to abandon her . I dont know if its just for me or if i have messed up somehow with the files-

Edit: i have also begun a new game and on day 2or3 when i try saving in the house the savefiles dont appear and when i do save somewhere it isnt saved 

Ouverall the game is AMAIZING uwu

i apologise for the troubule i could have caused

( again im verry sorry for the mistakes-)

( and there is also alot of ands-)